Ystyriaethau wrth ddrafftio Cynigiad neu Gais
Cynyddu tebygolrwydd cais o lwyddo: rhai ystyriaethau… Y cynigwyr sy’n cael llwyddiant, yw’r rhai sy’n deall y cyd-destun y tu ôl i’r hyn y gofynnir

Beth a phwy yw Medrau Masnachol? Ein hamcanion a’n gwerthoedd
Crëwyd Medrau Masnachol gan Emma Blake a Rhian Thomas – dau arbenigwr Rheolaeth Fasnachol a Chontract; bu i’r ddwy gyfarfod pan oeddent yn gweithio i

Understanding the differences between the UK and Nordic contracting cultures
A country’s legal system, laws and rules of interpretation provide the framework for negotiations and ultimately define the content and form of the contract document.

Understanding the differences between the UK and Nordic contracting cultures
A country’s legal system, laws and rules of interpretation provide the framework for negotiations and ultimatelydefine the content and form of the contract document. However,

What is a commercial manager?
The role of a commercial manager is often difficult to define and describe, as the nature of the role and where it sits in an

What is commercial contracting? – Part 2: Understanding the Market
The second key factor which will shape contractual negotiations is the nature of the market and market conditions into which the product or service is

What is commercial contracting? – Part 1: Understanding the Product
Commercial contracting means understanding a contract in the whole of its commercial context. A contract document can be perfectly drafted from a legal perspective but